Barbells VS Dumbbells – Which One’s Better?
In the modern-day world, training your body usually happens in the gym, where you have a variety of dumbbell, barbell and machine exercises.
In the context of free weight, however, there has been one question floating around – What’s better, barbells or dumbbells?
If you’ve asked yourself this, keep reading because in this article we’ll underline the differences and benefits of both barbells and dumbbells, to help you create your perfect workout plan.
The Specifics
One of the main rules of weight training is to use a variety of equipment, angles and types of grip.
The reason why this is important, is because even a slight change in the grip or angle of a given exercise, changes the specifics of that same exercise.
What this means is that a different type of equipment or a different angle/grip will shift the tension towards different muscles/zones of the worked muscle group.
For instance, the flat bench press will mainly engage your mid and lower chest, while also engaging the triceps and shoulders.
However, an incline bench press will put more tension on the upper portion of the chest, along with increased tension for the shoulders.
From this information, we can conclude that both barbells and dumbbells have their application and there really isn’t a “better” one.
The point is to use each type of equipment for its designated purposes, in accordance with what your goal is.
The Benefits Of Barbells
Barbells are without a doubt one of the most effective ways to stimulate the musculature, whether we’re talking about muscle growth or training during the fat loss phase.
Here’s why:
- Barbells allow you to lift heavier weights
Because there is generally a fixed point between the working limbs, barbells allow you to lift heavier weights in general.
This is also perhaps because of the fact that barbell exercises are more stabilized by nature, thus allowing your body to activate more of your fast-twitch muscle fibers.
You can check this for yourself – If you’re barbell bench pressing 80 kg for reps, odds are that you won’t be able to dumbbell press 40 kg on each hand as easily.
2. Easier Realization Of Training Principles
When it comes to muscular development, there is one very important principle to consider.
That is namely progressive overload, which implies that you should, over time, progressively increase the demand upon the musculature (i.e increasing weight, reps, sets, etc.)
Because barbells allow you to lift heavier weights with more stability, increasing your workload is an easy task with barbells, as opposed to dumbbells
Both of these benefits allow for greater working volume overall, which means that barbells are especially good during periods of gaining muscle mass.
The Benefits Of Dumbbells
Though barbells have a load of benefits when it comes to muscular development, that doesn’t mean dumbbells should be totally excluded.
Here are the main benefits of dumbbells:
- Bringing up weaker muscle groups
Because dumbbells inevitably make you use each side of your body separately, they can be one of your best picks when you’re trying to bring up your weaker side.
The individual load on each side simply doesn’t allow your stronger side to overtake the movement, thus creating sufficient stimulation on the side that creates asymmetry.
2. Muscle Unit Activation
One of the most crucial factors when it comes to lifting heavy weights is the muscle unit (muscle fiber) activation.
With barbells, movements are generally fixed in a shorter range of motion, while dumbbells allow for greater movement of the arms.
This, therefore, grants increased muscle activation, even on fundamental exercises like the bench press
Take Home Message
In the context of better overall development, there isn’t really a winner in the fight between barbells vs. dumbbells…
Both have their benefits, which is why you should rather rely on a mix of the two, in your workout regimen.
Use barbells when you want to heavily target progressive overload and lift the heaviest weight possible.
Use dumbbells when you want to bring up your weaker side and work more on joint stability, rather than maximum strength.
Tell us your favorite barbell/dumbbell exercises in the comment section below!
When it comes to training, whether it is professional sports or general training, there are two main types of activity one can do.
Those two types are namely “anaerobic” and “aerobic” training, each of which provides a different stimulus for the body and thus, a different end result.
In this article, you’re going to learn more about these two types, which one is better for specific goals, and how to combine them.
So without further ado, let’s get to it!
Anaerobic & Aerobic Processes
Though these two terms may sound a bit complex, their meaning is quite simple
The word “Anaerobic” comes from the following Greek words:
- An – Meaning “without”
- Aer – Meaning “air”
- Bios – Meaning “life”
In simple words, all anaerobic processes in the body do not require oxygen to run.
Oppositely, all aerobic processes in the body DO require oxygen to function.
Examples Of Anaerobic Activities
Anaerobic training activities are basically any type of training that requires you to do a short, power-burst bout.
Here are some examples of anaerobic training activities:
- Sprinting
- Weightlifting
- Climbing
- Broad jumping
Because of the nature of anaerobic activities (short, power-burst movements), this type of training mainly develops muscle strength, size, strength endurance and explosiveness.
Examples Of Aerobic Activities
Contrary to anaerobic activities, we have aerobic activities, which are basically any low-intensity exercises that are long in duration.
Here are examples of aerobic activities:
- Jogging
- Skipping rope
- Swimming
- Cycling
Unlike anaerobic activities, aerobic training mainly develops the cardiovascular & respiratory systems (heart & lungs).
With this type of training, your body becomes more efficient at releasing energy with the help of oxygen.
Which Type Of Training Is Better?
As we already established, anaerobic training will stimulate the development of your musculature and its main properties – Strength, strength endurance & explosiveness.
On the other hand, with aerobic training you will improve the work of your heart and lungs.
And so, the answer to the question “which type of training is better?” is quite simple… It depends on the context!
Are you someone who wants to look better? Focus your training around anaerobic activities and throw in some aerobic activities here and there.
Or, if you’re someone who just looks to improve their endurance in the long run, focus on aerobic activities that are low in intensity and long in duration.
Ultimately, if you’re not a professional athlete, you would be best off combining both types of training and tipping the scales in favor of the one that matches your goals the most.
Though most people just LOVE to compare different types of training and dub some “better than others”, one thing remains true…
That is namely the fact that the body is a complex machine, capable of a MULTITUDE of movements.
The more movements you do and the more you engage in different types of activities, the more you develop the systems and components (muscles) that make those activities possible.
Therefore, this approach will lead to a functionally and visually better physique.
What is YOUR approach to training? Comment down below!
The Prostate And Its Common Problems
The prostate is a gland that is only found in the male body and is about the size of a walnut.
It is found right in front of the rectum and goes around the urethra – the tube that leads urine out of the body.
The prostate’s main function is to produce a white liquid, which protects and feeds the sperm.
However, as men grow older, certain changes occur, leading to possible.
Common Prostate Problems
Prostate dysfunction is often the reason for urination incontinence in men and is, in fact, one of the most common problems that men encounter during their mid to older years.
Let’s have a look at the most common prostate issues and their symptoms.
- Prostate cancer
In men, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer, and though that sounds bad, it is also the easiest type of cancer to treat in men.
Here are some of the common prostate cancer symptoms:
● Blood in the urine
● Weak or interrupted urine flow
● Abnormally frequent urination
Usually doesn’t have symptoms in the first stages. That’s why it’s good to get your PSA (Prostate-specific Antigen) taken from a blood test every 2-3 years after turning 40.
- Prostatitis
This is another common prostate problem, which is essentially an inflammation of the prostate gland, which can be quite painful, but gets better over time in most cases.
Prostatitis is possible in men of all age groups, but it occurs more frequently in younger men between 30 and 50.
Here are the common symptoms of prostatitis:
● Pain when urinating/pooping
● Pain around the penis/testicles/lower back
● Problems starting/stopping peeing
- Prostate enlargement
Prostate enlargement or, in scientific terms, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland.
This is a common condition in older men, where the following symptoms are usually experienced:
● Loss of bladder control
● Difficulty urinating
● Weak stream
The thing with all 3 of these possible prostate problems is that similar symptoms accompany most issues.
This means that if you experience any pain when urinating or consistent aches around the penis and lower abdomen, your best bet is to consult with your doctor.
Why Do Prostate Problems Lead To Urination Issues?
As you learned at the beginning of this article, the prostate surrounds the urethra, meaning that if the prostate gland grows too big, it will press against the urethra.
This pressure, in turn, will make the bladder work twice as hard to get through the blockage.
This is a common issue referred to as “overactive bladder,” and if you have it, you may experience loss of bladder control or, in a better case, a frequent need to urinate.
If any of the symptoms discussed here pops up, do advise your medical professional and start the necessary treatment to alleviate the symptoms and get your prostate back to normal.
Remember, though, that prostate dysfunction treatment takes time, and it is usually accompanied by discomfort due to the loss of bladder control/incontinence.
This may require the use of urological incontinence pads, which offer absorption of any urine and neutralization of its smell.
The prostate is one weird gland – It is responsible for fertility, but not for erections, and it gets enlarged, rather than shrunk, over time.
If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned in this article, your best bet would be to rely on your doctor’s professional medical advice rather than information on the internet.
Stay healthy!
The Cortisol Problem | Part 2 – Dealing With Stress
When it comes to coping with stress from everyday life, there are several options.
For example, some people adore de-stressing by utilizing the amazing benefits of physical exercise.
Others share their concerns/stress factors with a close friend or family member and gain a sense of moral support, which reduces stress levels.
There’s also a third group of people who, no matter what they do, can’t seem to get rid of their chronic stress.
Now, different things work for other people, so we’ll shed some light on the most viable stress-relieving methods in this second article of the series.
Without further ado, let’s get to it!
#1 Physical Exercise
Engaging in physical activity is one of the best ways to deal with stress for several reasons.
Doing exercise will stimulate the body to secrete and release a flurry of nurturing substances and compounds, which will inevitably make you feel better.
Furthermore, because there is a recovery period after your training bout, it is much easier for the body to get out of the stress response mode and kick into recovery mode – It has all the reasons to do so!
Generally, prolonged cardio workouts elevate the stress hormone (cortisol) levels, unlike intense resistance training.
That is to say that if you want the physical exercise to help you eliminate stress, you are best off focusing on high-intensity, short power burst exercising, like weightlifting, sprinting, calisthenics, etc.
#2 Food, food, food!
More often than not, the lack of food is a common reason for being stressed or hangry (hungry and angry!).
Without a doubt, not having enough food in your system can make you flip your switch easily.
And so, if you’re feeling stressed out but cannot find a particular reason why that is so, unwind and have a big, satiating meal.
For this purpose, you are best off eating nutrient-dense foods, such as meat, dairy, eggs, organs, vegetables, fruits, root crops, and grains.
In doing this, you will kick into the so-called “rest and digest mode,” where the body prioritizes digestion, absorption, and in turn, recovery.
And as you may or may not know – All of those are downregulated when you are stressed out!
#3 Swipe Left
When a stressful condition manifests in our conscious experience, it is a natural response for us to start thinking (and eventually overthinking) about it.
The brain generates the first thought of this stressor, and then, some moments later, another similar idea is developed.
Then another, then another, and another.
These thoughts combined create a story that your brain starts believing and eventually manifests in your reality.
Usually, that story is the worst-case scenario possible – This is because your brain is bracing for the worst so that you can cope with the situation no matter what it is.
And though that is good, it generally brings a lot of stress, which slowly but surely drains you.
Now, these things are automatic, but they are not really beyond your control.
When a stressful thought pops up, you can either latch onto it and follow a similar thought-creating pattern or stay emotionally neutral and choose what to do with that thought.
Whenever you have a stressful thought about your ex, your job, or your family, try just mentally to swipe it left and throw it in the bin.
In doing so, you will eliminate any fear, doubt, and insecurity, which will, in turn, open up space for more constructive, positive thoughts.
This type of internal regulation is perhaps the best method to deal with stress, as it goes directly to the root cause of anxiety – Your perception of it.
In the past, the stress response was something vital, as it helped us run or fight anything that threatens our lives in the wild environment.
Nowadays, however, we live in big, modern cities where death by predation is highly unlikely.
The same stress response gets triggered by harmless things like our workplace, school, or family.
Unfortunately, the stress response is automatic, and more often than not, it takes over.
However, there are things you can do to buffer and deal with it.
In terms of self-care, the best you can do for stress management is regularly engage in physical activity, eat good food and sleep well.
These things, however, will push your biochemistry to more balanced stress.
The real solution for stress can be found on the conscious level, where you can observe and regulate your PERCEPTION & RESPONSE to pressure.
This is where the magic happens.
The Cortisol Problem | Part 1 – Stress & Genes
Every day, we are all subjected to stress, and if we don’t learn to handle it, we can quickly reach a point of general discomfort and burnout.
It is common knowledge that stress weakens the body and puts you at risk for certain diseases.
There are several different kinds of stress, and each has an extra degree of difficulty coping with it.
Surely, everyone responds differently to the various stressors in our daily lives, but the result is the same for everyone: Nervousness, anxiety, and overall discomfort.
All of these things contribute to worsened social dynamics/soft skills and lower working efficiency.
Let’s look at the most critical aspects of stress, how it functions, why it puts our wellbeing at risk in some situations, and what genes are linked to stress.
What Is Stress?
Any change that induces physical, mental or physiological tension is generally called “stress.”
When the present situation exceeds our ability to handle it, we become stressed.
Now, stress is often perceived to be that everyday tension we all feel, but the thing is, this type of stress can be categorized as “constructive stress.”
We need stress to perform at our best, BUT…
The issue arises when the stress becomes excessive.
This may be the product of a heavy emotional load, a significant loss, or a series of mild, consecutive headaches that we cannot recover from because they occur much too often.
When we reach our physiological optimum, optimal stress leads to optimal efficiency.
After that, the stress grows, and our efficiency decreases proportionally.
The worst thing about this is that we can consciously intensify the stress levels, and most people do that.
For instance, this can happen if we invest our negative thoughts and worries in the stress factors.
“I’m not good enough,” “I look silly doing this and that,” or “This is not going to end up well for me” are common thoughts.
The psychological mechanisms inside us begin to work against us, and we begin to experience the well-known stress symptoms as a result.
However, this is just one part of the picture, as other factors, such as – Genetics!
The Genetic Response
Before we talk about ways to deal with stress and anxiety, it is important to point out that perception and tolerance to stress are also linked to your genes!
The catechol-O-methyltransferase gene, or COMT for short, is one of the genetic factors influencing stress tolerance.
This enzyme is in charge of degrading catecholamines, including Dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, which is quite a difficult job.
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that carries various signals between nerve cells, and it plays a role in the transmission of pain/stress signals across the body.
So, effectively, this enzyme may be one of the determining factors of perceiving pain and stress.
Too much or too little Dopamine can impair cognitive function, so we need to find that sweet spot.
Dopamine levels increase when we are stressed, as we all know.
Because of this, if you generate more Dopamine, you can perform poorly under stress.
Of course, if you generate less Dopamine, you would do better since your dopamine levels are close to optimal, but then again, too little wouldn’t be good either.
When it comes to COMT, gender is just another deciding factor.
This is mainly because estrogen suppresses the COMT enzyme, meaning that the activity of this enzyme in the prefrontal cortex in females is significantly lower than in males.
What this means is that females, by default, are closer to optimal dopamine levels, as opposed to males.
So, while many variables affect our ability to cope with pain and stress, at the end of the day, it’s all about how you RESPOND to your perception of stress, which will determine your outcome.
Does this then mean that the stress response is not all automatic and can be controlled and regulated?
In part 2 of this article series, we’re going to give you our BEST actionable tips to manage stress.
Stay tuned!
Tennis Elbow | What it is & How To Recover
Do you have a badly hurting elbow? Does it get to the point where it is even unbearable?
If that’s the case, then your elbows could be affected by lateral epicondylitis, otherwise called tennis elbow.
This is an injury that usually develops due to overuse.
Though this can happen in the gym or during daily activities, it is a common injury amongst athletes involved in sports like tennis and badminton (thus the name, tennis elbow).
What’s Tennis Elbow, Exactly?
Tennis elbow, also called elbow tendonitis, occurs when the tendons connecting your forearm muscles to your outer elbow become inflamed.
A common cause of this problem is the repetition of the same, unnatural movements almost every day.
Fortunately, elbow tendonitis may be treated in a variety of ways.
It’s one of the main reasons most athletes rapidly recover from this ailment and return to their sport.
Surely, some cases are more serious and take more time to heal, but they, too, recover and return to training and competition after receiving sufficient rest and treatment.
So worry not; even if you have elbow tendonitis, there are things you can do to alleviate the inflammation and eventually get back to proper training.
Is Tennis Elbow A Sports Injury?
Non-athletes may also get elbow tendonitis, contrary to common opinion.
Many people with this condition engage in outdoor activities that require them to use their forearm muscles repeatedly and vigorously.
Carpenters, plumbers, and even painters are among the most popular people who experience elbow tendonitis.
When To Get Checked
Unfortunately, in most cases, patients seek medical attention too late after developing elbow pain.
However, it is preferable not to wait too long and speak with your doctor as soon as possible.
This will not only help you get back to your normal activities as soon as possible but also ensure that your tendons will remain strong in the long term, as untreated inflammation can lead to degeneration of the tissues.
Of course, tendonitis isn’t the cause of any elbow pain, but you shouldn’t rule it out.
Your best bet is to have a physician examine the condition and prescribe appropriate remedies/treatments.
Should You Get A Surgery?
Whether or not you need a tennis elbow surgery is determined by the severity of the injury.
Some people recover without surgery, while others may need surgery.
However, in most cases, tennis elbow treatment is minimally invasive.
Despite the seriousness of your situation, you will return to your favorite sport sooner or later because this isn’t a tough condition.
So before you jump into surgery, make sure to check your other options!
Tennis Elbow Treatment 101
If you have elbow tendonitis for the first time, your doctor will most likely prescribe the following treatments:
- Strengthening and stretching of the forearm
- Additional physical therapy
- Using a tendonitis elbow strap
- Taking a break from vigorous physical activity
Unfortunately, some patients do not respond to such conservative treatments. There are, however, other ways to encourage a non-invasive recovery.
To get a better look at your specific situation, your doctor can request a musculoskeletal ultrasound picture.
Some doctors can also order you to get the ultrasound images sooner rather than later, skipping the treatments listed above.
Your doctor will use the imaging to analyze the specific features of your tendon and pinpoint where the degeneration is occurring.
Injections of platelet-rich plasma or corticosteroids can be used to reduce inflammation.
These injections, however, are not as effective as other therapies.
If injection therapy and conservative therapies do not work, surgery may be required.
Getting Back To Training
Treatments for elbow tendonitis have a high success rate, and depending on the severity of your injury and which route you went through for treatment, you will have to rest for up to half a year.
Usually, for that duration, the doctor will write you a prescription and set up a physical therapy schedule for the next few months.
It’s best to don’t miss these sessions because they’ll help you heal faster and return to athletic activities earlier than expected.
The general rule of thumb is to return to sports or other practice only if your doctor gives you the green light.
Failure to adhere to the prescribed resting period can worsen your injury, so don’t be tempted to get back to training before full recovery.
Once you get back to training, make sure to:
- Get back up to previous levels of performance gradually
- Focus on more compound movements rather than isolated ones
- Exercise correct form and avoid sudden, sketchy activities that can aggravate your injury
Elbow tendonitis is a common condition in many athletes and can also happen during repetitive, everyday tasks.
Though it can be quite bad, elbow tendonitis treatments have a high success rate, meaning that they won’t ruin your future workouts, given that you allow for an appropriate recovery time frame.
Ultimately, your best advice would be to check in with your doctor to examine the severity of your injury and then decide on which route you should take.
After recovery, make sure to gradually get back to training and exclude any activities and exercises that may have caused the injury in the first place.
Rethink Drinking
Alcohol is one of those substances that can have both positive and negative effects on the body, with the latter manifesting much more often.
Yes, getting drunk can make you feel good for a couple of hours, but many things are going on in the backend, which you can’t think until it’s too late.
In this article, we’re going to give you insight on drinking, how much is too much, what the word “moderation” means, and even when drinking in moderation can also be bad.
Why Do We Get Drunk?
When consuming alcoholic beverages, your liver starts breaking it down, utilizing a flurry of powerful enzymes.
Enzymes are molecules that speed up the rate of the chemical reactions occurring in your body.
The state we refer to as “drunkenness” occurs when you consume alcohol faster than you can break it down.
Now, the body can break down one standard drink per hour, and in most cases, people go way above that.
However, given that getting drunk is one of the purposes of drinking alcohol in the first place, an important question comes to mind…
How Much Is Too Much?
Whether we’re talking about alcohol, water, food, or anything else that you put in the body, moderation should be one of your main rules of thumb.
Specifically for alcohol, the dietary guidelines for Americans define drinking in moderation as having one drink and two drinks per day, for females and males, respectively.
It is important to note here that a “drink” is usually defined as a 350 ml beer, not a big whiskey!
Certainly, consuming harsh alcohol daily will manifest alcohol’s side effects much quicker than a beer or two.
When Is Moderation Bad?
If you are generally healthy and have good nutritional, sleeping, and training habits, having alcohol in moderation will have little to no side effects.
However, in certain cases, even low alcohol consumption may have certain side effects.
Try and avoid alcohol, if you:
- Are about to participate in physical activities
- Take medication that interacts with alcohol
- Have a health condition that may worsen with alcohol consumption
- Find it difficult to control your alcohol intake after you start drinking
- Are you trying to have kids (alcohol may worsen the function of your reproductive system)
Can Alcohol Do You Good?
Though binge drinking is a common practice amongst many age groups, the fact is that certain alcoholic drinks can have some positive effects on the body.
Of course, this is in the context of moderation, on top of overall healthy habits.
Here are the top 2 healthiest alcoholic drinks and their possible positive effects on the body:
- Red wine
Home-made red wine has certain antioxidants, along with polyphenols, which can promote heart/overall health & protect your cells from damage.
Red wine has been scientifically proven to improve the health of your heart, brain, and even bones!
Do you fancy a drink more often? Get yourself a glass of red wine! It also goes well with a steak, so you can’t go wrong here (unless you have too much).
- Beer
As you can see, this 2-points list consists of alcoholic beverages that have a low alcohol percentage (~14% for red wine and ~4.5% for beer).
This low alcohol content is a part of why these drinks can have positive effects on your body.
Like wine, beer has its antioxidants, which are slightly different because beer is derived from barley and hops instead of grapes.
Nevertheless, antioxidants are always good, and in the case of beer, they are especially good for the kidneys.
Have you got trouble taking a pee? Drink a peer! Oops… Beer*
Alcohol consumption is often linked to binge drinking and a very prominent state of drunkenness.
And while getting piss drunk regularly will inevitably lead to certain side effects, the fact of the matter is that alcohol, in moderation, can be good for you!
If you are a generally healthy individual, you don’t have to cut out alcohol altogether.
Just make sure to consume the right alcohol in the right amounts, and always have it lay on some quality, nutritious food!
Male Depression
Depression is a mood disorder present in both men and women. However, it manifests differently in both genders.
In general, it appears that males are much less likely to seek help during periods of depression.
So in this article, we’re going to spread awareness and share with you the most common facts about depression in men, along with symptoms and possible ways to work on it.
Whether you are a male suffering from depression or have a male relative who has it, read this article!
How Is Depression Different In Men?
When it comes to depression in men, certain symptoms are more common in males, and on top of that, the reaction manifests differently in both genders.
It also appears that women are more likely to blame themselves for their problems, while men throw the blame onto other people and try to cause conflict.
Why Is This Important?
Most of us know how severe depression can be, and as such, it can lead to extremes, such as suicidal thoughts.
This is the exact reason why depression awareness should be spread and why you should consider it an important matter, whether you have depression or not.
No matter how severe depressive episodes are, there are ways to work with them to manifest less frequently.
Sadness VS. Depression
All of us at one point have felt sad, and that is completely normal, as we are supposed to experience the whole spectrum of human emotions to be socially adequate.
In most cases, such periods of sadness are short-lived and have a specific cause, which in time, we accept and move on.
Sometimes, however, sadness and sorrow go on for months and years on end and become the predominant mental state.
At one point, that state becomes uncontrollable and leads to certain behaviors, thoughts, and actions.
Since emotional states of this kind affect every other aspect of our lives, this would be the pivoting point where you should seek professional advice.
And though that may sound bad to some of you, think of it this way – Depression doesn’t mean weakness, and you should not be afraid to speak out and reach for help.
Depression is a common disorder that affects otherwise healthy, happy, and successful individuals.
The Symptoms
Depression and its symptoms manifest on many levels, ranging from mental to physical and emotional.
If you’re depressed, you will more than likely notice the following symptoms:
Mental Symptoms
● Chronic sadness that doesn’t go away and progressively becomes more intrusive and torturing
● Everything seems pointless, even your favorite activities
● You become more antisocial, losing interest in any human interactions
● Focusing on the task at hand for more than 5 minutes becomes unbearable
● You experience guilt for things that have nothing to do with you
● You lose emotional stability and have frequent mood swings
● Your overall mindset becomes more negative (or you call yourself ‘realistic’, which is the socially accepted form of negativity)
● Hopelessness and suicidal thoughts start surfacing in your studies more frequently
Physical Symptoms
● Chronic exhaustion, sleep doesn’t make you feel fresh
● You find it hard to fall asleep
● You wake up during your sleep, often anxious
● Your libido decreases, sex means nothing to you
● You lose weight and appetite frequently
Social Symptoms
● You can’t feel relaxed and okay in a social environment
● You make mistakes during work or find it hard to concentrate in general
● You are unusually quiet, closed up, and zoned out
● You become easily triggered by small things
● You stop communicating with your family and other relatives
Behavioral Patterns Of Male Depression
More often than not, men do not like to talk about their depression, perhaps because they feel like people will perceive them as weak.
In most cases, during periods of depression, men resort to alcohol and other drugs to make them feel better.
This, however, may temporarily make the person feel better but isn’t a sustainable solution because alcohol is a depressant.
Considering this fact, we can conclude that alcohol can worsen the symptoms of depression.
Sometimes, when depressed, men tend to focus more on their work, and they deprive themselves of social life and self-care – two very important aspects of a healthy mind.
Recognizing Depression In Men
Since most depression-induced behavioral and emotional patterns lead to worsening of the disorder, it becomes hard for a fogged mind to deal with depression on its own.
However, men can get help much easier if someone in their surroundings and close ones manages to recognize specific behavioral patterns and reactions.
For instance, men tend to talk about their physical symptoms rather than their emotional ones, which is one of the main reasons why male depression is frequently misdiagnosed.
If you suspect a relative of yours to have depression, do stay alert and aware of their behavior – They might need your help without you even realizing it!
Self-Help – Is Such A Thing Even Possible?
Being in the void is without a doubt one of the most hopeless states you can be in, where nothing has meaning, and everything is futile.
However, given that you have the power of free will, there are things you can do in order to make depression manifest less frequently.
Here’s our best advice for self-help during depressive episodes:
If you are going through a rough patch, try and share your feelings, thoughts, and emotions with someone close.
However, in case talking to someone feels off, try and write your thoughts and emotions down on paper and try to objectively analyze.
Eat Well
Though depression decreases appetite, you should still try and eat plenty of nutritious foods, such as animal products, fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods.
In doing so, you will favor your biochemistry and tip the scales in favor of balanced inner processes, which will, in turn, reduce the risk of depression.
Avoid Alcohol & Drugs
As we mentioned, alcohol and drugs can numb the sorrow for a couple of hours, but in the long term, those things will undoubtedly worsen the symptoms of depression.
Stay healthy and active, and your body and mind will be thankful!
The symptoms of depression manifest differently in men and women, which is exactly why you should pay attention to your behavior and that of your surroundings and close ones.
More often than not, people who suffer from depression are closed up and never talk about it (especially men).
If you or someone you know has depression, stay faithful and try to tip the scales in favor of health-nourishing activities and habits.
Know Your Anatomy | Abs VS Core
Getting six-pack abs is perhaps one of the most common goals that trainees are looking after.
However, the six-pack is just one of the components of your abdominal musculature, so it is a good idea to learn how to differentiate between the six-pack and the core.
In knowing the differences between the two, you will create a much stronger core overall.
This article is dedicated specifically to explaining the differences between the two, so let’s get to it!
The 6-Pack
It is a fact that a well-chiseled set of abs can make or break your physique, as it makes up a large portion of the front side of your torso.
The six-pack is technically one single muscle, called the “Rectus abdominis,” and its main function is to move the body between the ribcage and the pelvis.
This muscle is targeted when you do exercises that make you curl your torso or lift your legs/knees.
Now, oppositely, the CORE is a group of muscles, and as a matter of fact, the rectus abdominis is a part of your core.
Certainly, because the core is a bunch of different muscle groups, it has plenty of important functions, including but not limited to:
- Maintaining organ position
- Spinal support
- Stabilization
- Breathing assistance
- Balance
What Is The Core Made Of?
Alright, so now you learned the basic difference between the six-pack and the core – The six-pack is a part of the core, which serves various functions.
So now you know the difference: The abs are a single muscle group, while the core is a set of muscles that includes the abs.
The abs, obliques, mid and lower back, and glutes are the main core muscles.
Try to feel your core engaging the next time you do a gym exercise like cable triceps pushdowns.
When it does, it is stabilizing the movement and helping you to remain in a static, upright position.
Unlike the abs, which serve only one function, the core is much more versatile.
The core contains muscles that are deep and, for most trainees, unknown or ignored.
They are ignored often because most people focus on the superficial abdominal musculature (the six-pack).
And though the six-pack looks cool, you must not ignore the other components of your core musculature, as they will help you perform better overall.
Athletes who focus on the heart are much more stable and healthy during dynamic physical activity than those who only exercise their “six-pack.”
Furthermore, having a solid core is a great way to avoid certain injuries due to underdeveloped core musculature.
How To Train Your Core
This article was written for the sole purpose of instilling in you the belief that your mid-section is much more than a good-looking six-pack.
The six-pack is just one of the components of your core musculature, meaning that you should focus on that… And more!
Besides training the six-pack, you should also target the lower back, obliques, glutes, and inner abdominal muscles.
In doing so, you will develop not only a beautiful set of abs but also a functional core that will help you with every other exercise, as well as your overall athletic performance.
Top 5 Abs & Core Exercises
Now here are our best picks for exercises which you can use to target the six-pack and the core.
You can include this in your regular training routine, but make sure that you are not doing them the day before heavy compound movements like squats and deadlifts. This may compromise your performance and stability on those exercises.
#1 Floor crunch
The crunch is the most famous abs exercise, and even though many people dismiss it, it can be a viable tool for six-pack development.
One of the best variations in the floor crunch, during which you only flex the abs without getting your torso completely off of the ground.
This allows for a strong, prominent contraction, which will inevitably bring better development of your abs.
#2 Hanging Leg Raises
The hanging leg raise is another great abs and core exercise, which can help you strengthen your six-pack and other stabilizing muscle groups.
The tricky thing with this exercise is getting into a rhythm without swinging the torso out of control.
This is only possible with a greater activation of the stabilizing core muscles, making it an overall perfect core exercise.
If this exercise is too hard for you, you can do a hanging knee raise, where instead of lifting your legs straight, you only lift the knees towards the chest.
#3 Twisted Hanging Leg Raises
As we mentioned, the six-pack is just a part of your core, and on its sides, you can find the obliques.
A well-developed set of obliques gives a complete look of the midsection, and one of the best exercises to target them is the twisted hanging leg raise.
This is essentially the same as a hanging leg raise… But with a twist!
By twisting the legs to the side during the raise, you allow for good oblique activation, making it a perfect exercise to get chiseled obliques!
#4 Plank
So far, all 3 exercises are dynamically involving, meaning that there is a phase of contraction and then relaxation.
The truth is, however, that the core and the abs not only provide for dynamic strength but also static such.
If done right, the plank can be a great tool to develop static strength, which will help you have better-looking abs and a more stabilized and balanced core overall.
#5 Stomach Vacuum
Usually, most people train abs because they want a better-looking midsection and waist.
Well, though it is not a very common exercise, the stomach vacuum is a thing you can do to make your waist smaller and tighter.
Besides that, it also engages the inner abs musculature, making it a perfect exercise for overall stability and abdominal control.
The exercise is simple – Take a deep breath, exhale slowly while flexing the abs, then suck your stomach in and straighten the torso.
Once you do that, you can either hold the vacuum statically or play around with the abdominal muscles and flex them.
This exercise is best done on an empty stomach, and you should get into it gradually because if you are not used to this type of flexion, you might trigger your gag reflex.
Your core is much more than just your six-pack, meaning that you are better off doing more than just crunches.
Think of your core as the foundation of your body, which helps during most movements and especially more dynamic, athletic types of activity.
Diversify from the thousands of crunches and include exercises like side twists, leg raises, hyperextensions for the lower back, and even stomach vacuums!
Do all this, and you will improve your core much more than you thought possible!
Don’t limit yourself.
How To Train While Losing Fat
If you’re trying to lose fat, you have to imminently change your lifestyle by manipulating your nutrition and activity levels.
However, though fat loss sounds simple, there are many important considerations to consider when you are going through that period.
One of those is the approach to training while losing fat, making or breaking your process.
In this article, we’ll go through every important detail regarding fat-loss training.
Without further ado, let’s get to it!
The Deficit
One of the underlying principles of fat loss is the so-called “caloric deficit,” which implies consuming fewer calories than your body requires to maintain its weight and physiological processes.
In doing so, you allow the body to burn more fat than it stores, thus tapping into your fat reserves and burning them off.
Though a caloric deficit is good for fat loss, it inevitably leads to loss of lean body mass (LBM), along with your fat loss.
Your goal while losing fat is to reduce the losses of lean body mass to retain health, energy, and metabolic rate.
Before you get into training during the weight loss phase, make sure you have the following in check:
- A moderate caloric deficit of 400-500 calories
- Sufficient protein of ~1g per lb of bodyweight
- Good amounts of fat – 0.35-0.45g per lb of bodyweight
- Sufficient amounts of carbohydrates (remaining calories after calculating protein and fats)
Once you have these in check, you are halfway there on your goal of preserving LBM.
How Training Can Help You
Besides proper nutrition, training is another thing that can help you retain your muscle mass and keep your metabolic rate up.
Though a caloric deficit is the only MANDATORY thing for weight loss, it is highly recommended that you do your workout sessions as well.
In doing so, you will stimulate the muscle protein synthesis inside the muscle cells and create a stimulus for greater retention of lean body mass (including muscle mass).
This is mainly relevant for resistance training, which can also be combined with cardio training.
Important Training Considerations
Before you get into the gym and go all-in on your workouts, however, you have to factor in a couple of things.
Otherwise, you risk poor recovery and chronic exhaustion.
Here are our best fat loss training tips:
● Lower the intensity (Slightly)
Due to the fact you are in a deficit of energy, you inevitably have to train at a different level of intensity.
Because intensity is demanding by nature, you have to make sure that you aren’t reaching failure far too often.
It is recommended that you work with heavyweights, but not too heavy.
Remember to always leave 1-3 repetitions in reserve, as this is what will allow you to recover well, though you are in a caloric deficit.
● Do More isolated movements.
Though heavy, compound movements must be at the core of your fat loss workouts, you can also include more isolated exercises.
These exercises emphasize one specific muscle group and improve the shape and details of the muscle itself.
Are you looking for aesthetically pleasing muscle separations? Don’t forget your isolations!
● Flex, flex, flex!
Besides helping you retain muscle mass, training is supposed to bring out the fine details of your musculature during the weight loss phase.
This can be done not only through isolated exercises but also… Flexing!
That’s right – Just flexing your muscles and holding that peak flexion can help you further chisel your biological sculpture!
On top of that, practicing posing can greatly help with your presentation and how you feel in your your skin.
Flexing in front of the mirror looks stupid? Not anymore, it has benefits!
During a period of weight loss, you lose both fat tissue and lean body mass, which is every other tissue in the body except fat.
Your goal is to not only lose fat but to also retain as much of that LBM as possible.
To do so, you must ensure that your caloric deficit is moderate and supported by solid amounts of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
After checking those important points, you must engage in regular resistance training, which is exercised at moderately high-intensity levels without reaching failure.
In doing all of this, you will set yourself up for the healthiest, leanest, and happiest version of you!
So, what is there to lose? Crush your goals!