Custom Meal plans and Fitness for Men and Woman over 40

Barbell or Dumbell Hip Thrust

Exercise / Glutes, Hip Flexors


Barbell or Dumbell Hip Thrust



A . Sit on the ground with your back against a bench, feet planted firmly in front of you, and a barbell fitted with a pad (trust us, you’ll want this) in your lap. (No barbell? Try one heavy dumbbell instead.)

B. Keeping your lower back and knees stable, push through your heels and raise the barbell by extending your hips, making sure to use the force of your glutes rather than your back.

C. Rise until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees (full hip extension), and then slowly descend back to the ground.

Try: 3 sets of 6 to 20 reps, depending on the weight used