Custom Meal plans and Fitness for Men and Woman over 40

Over 40 bodybuilding routine Chest and Shoulder Day

November 21, 2022 / Challenges, Motivational, Multimedia
Over 40 bodybuilding routine Chest and Shoulder Day

Ok here is the routine . If your over 40 this is a good workout to add muscle to your chest and shoulders

100 Rollouts 4 sets of 25

Pec Deck 1 warmup x 25 working sets 3 x 10-12

Reverse grip Bench Press on Smith Machine 1 warmup x 15 working sets 3 x 10-12

Inline Machine Press s/s with Hex Press 1 warmup x 15 working sets 3 x 10-15

Dumbell Flyes 1 Warmup x 20 working sets 3 x 15

Decline Press s/s with Pushups 1 warmup x 15 3 working sets 10-12 (or AMRAP on Pushups)

Tri-Set (One after the other non stop) 1 Warmup of each x 15 Arnold Press working sets 3 x 8-10 Side Laterals working sets 3 x 8-10 Reverse Pec Deck working sets 3 x 8-10

So to reiterate on the tri-set Do 1 set Arnolds followed by Side Laterals followed by Reverse Pec Deck Repeat 3 times


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