Custom Meal plans and Fitness for Men and Woman over 40

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Over 40 : Benefits & Side Effects

May 23, 2021 / Cat 1

As men age, testosterone levels naturally drop and so, many males resort to what is known as “Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)”

TRT basically implies the usage of exogenous testosterone, to help maintain normal testosterone levels.

In this article, we’ll give you insight into the potential benefits & side effects of testosterone replacement therapy.

So, let’s get to it!

Benefits of TRT

Testosterone is without a doubt the most important hormone in the male body, as it drives the development of male traits and other functions.

More importantly, to a big extent, testosterone governs the recovery of your body, your mood, your sex drive & your ability to reproduce.

This is why having normal testosterone levels is important.

Testosterone replacement therapy can be a viable tool for adult males to maintain normal testosterone levels and it can have benefits (1), such as:

  • Sustained libido
  • Better recovery
  • Anti-aging benefits
  • Sustained muscularity
  • Better performance
  • Improved red blood cell production

But is this all there is to TRT?

Side Effects of TRT

Though the benefits of TRT look amazing at first glance, you have to know that everything comes at a cost.

Think about it – TRT basically means getting something that the body should produce, from the outside.

The fact of the matter is that TRT doesn’t really boost testosterone-producing processes in the body, but rather gives the body testosterone from the outside.

This implies that there may be certain side effects to it (2), such as:

  1. Acne or skin reactions
  2. Causing testicles to shrink
  3. Worsened sleep

Ultimately, before resorting to TRT, your best bet would be to see what you can do to boost your testosterone levels naturally.

How To Boost Testosterone Naturally

Besides injecting testosterone, there are actually other things you can do to maintain healthy testosterone production in your body.

If you look at it objectively, we can say that if you want the body to produce testosterone, you have to give it a reason to do so.

Here are the best things you can do to keep up the anabolic (constructive) reactions in your body going strong:

  1. Resistance/weight training

During weight training, you practically break down muscle tissue, and afterward, the body’s goal is to recover that.

Each of these breakdowns allows for a variety of constructive processes to take place, thus increasing testosterone levels and boosting overall metabolism.

Though it is a fact that adults produce less testosterone in response to training, as opposed to younger men, it is still a good anti-aging & test-boosting tool you can use. (3)

  1. Nutrition

Though training creates potent chemical reactions in the body, it is nothing without proper recovery.

The majority of the essential nutrients that your body needs (but can’t produce on its own), to sustain healthy functioning, come from food.

Specifically for testosterone levels, dietary fats have a MASSIVE effect on your endocrine system. (4)

Studies have shown that men who under-consume dietary fats, tend to have lower testosterone levels. (5)

Combining a good amount of protein, fats, and carbs will ensure energy for training, as well as all nutrients your body needs to recover afterward.

Mainly, you should focus on whole foods, such as beef, eggs, chicken, grains, legumes, beans, vegetables, and fruits.

  1. Stress management

When you’re stressed out, your body produces more cortisol – Which is known as the “stress hormone”.

The thing about cortisol production, however, is that it simultaneously decreases your testosterone levels. (6)

The more cortisol you have, the less testosterone, and so, you need to make sure you are managing all stress factors, such as your job, family, and other relationships.

Overall, we can say that emotional stability can actually help your testosterone!


As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline and there are things one can do to mitigate these unpleasant side effects.

Testosterone replacement therapy is one of those options, but it can have unpredictable side effects due to the nature of the substance.

This is why, it is recommended that adult men resort to natural means of testosterone maintenance, such as weight training, proper nutrition and stress management.

If the results achieved with the natural approach are not satisfying enough, then, you can proceed to TRT after consulting with your doctor.



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